Category Archives: Tweet of the Week

Tweet of the Week: Crowdfunding Failures


We’ve been talking a lot about crowdfunding on this blog recently.  It’s a vitally important new trend in business financing, and one that you cannot ignore.  @CFSoftLaunch put out a great article recently along these lines that caught our eye.  The tweet points us to an article which explains why crowdfunding campaigns fail.  Take a look, read it carefully and be sure to account for these while planning your crowdfunding campaign.



Tweet of the Week: Be Different

TweetOfTheWeek-150x150This week’s tip comes from Dr. Jennifer Bennett who makes an important point about business.  Businesses should learn to be themselves and be different from others.  Don’t try to fit into the pack, stand out.  As she says, people will notice, and that is of course what you want for your business.

Congrats Dr. Bennett


Tweet of the Week: What Makes a Great Leader


In life and in business, leadership is important.  Whether it is leading our businesses, or leading our own lives, leadership skills are vital.  Good leaders make all the difference.

Today’s tweet announces a wonderful opportunity to discuss leadership.  Check out Fast Company’s upcoming discussion with authors Drake Baer and Faisal Hoque on Friday at noon.  I doubt you’ll be disappointed.



