12 Days of Business: Business According to Fail Blog

AMB-354 Christmas numbers 12Did you miss out on some of our best business posts in 2013? Don’t fret; In the holiday spirit, we’ve decided  to share with you, the top twelve posts that we feel will help you achieve optimal entrepreneurial success in the coming year!

Wishing you a joyous holiday season and a happy and prosperous New Year!

The WizOf.Biz team. 

Business According to Fail Blog


Is your business not going quite right? Well, no use in crying over spilled milk, because you are not alone. As you know, all businesses start with an idea and an intention but you will not, nor should you have all the answers 100% of the time. Just remember, someone’s always in your corner, with WizOf.Biz, you can be sure to find fresh ideas on business developmentstrategic planning, mentorship and more. Our business experts believe, that when it comes to running a business, as in life, you have to be willing to take risks, think outside the box and bend the rules; but most importantly have a sense of humor!

I will go ahead and turn the odds in my favour by showing you the lighter side of business with FAIL BLOG, a popular comedy photoblog and search engine, that gives “funny”  a leg up. Lets take a look at a few of my favorite business pics that will get the haha out of you.

 cat in the box

1) Cat in the box: Sometimes in business, you just have to get creative even if it means placing yourself in a box to be kissed by complete strangers; more kisses, more dimes. Not only is it a brilliant publicity stunt, but you might even get a promotion. Take for instance,the Temporarily Unpopular Marketing Ideas a unique organization that takes your wacky ideas and makes them a reality.

Often we forget that when it comes to running a business, it is important to be yourself, think outside the box and give people what they really want; to share in who you truly are, what you think and how you can make a difference. If  Sir Richard Branson can wow people with his sense of humor and a winning personality, you can too.


2) Selling Crap: So, what? Lots of people make money selling shit. Take for instance Holy Crap  I mean, does anyone think it is actually good? Hmmm….however, the people behind the crap, are friendly, approachable and they did a superb job packaging their product. I’m saying its not what you’re selling but how. Think on your feet and put your best crap forward. You never know who will pick it up.

casual attire

3) Casual Business Attire: There is no shame in wearing shorts for business as long as you do it with purpose and confidence. If you can laugh at yourself, people will laugh with you. FunnyBusiness.ca can make any business meeting or event into a laugh out loud shindig where, you too, can let it all hang out.

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4) Homer Reading Encyclopedia On Marketing: You don’t need to be a genius to come up with some of the most Remarkable Marketing Campaigns Ever! Yes, it funny, yes it might even be outrageous; but it works!

Whether you are re-branding or about to lend a new client, remember, you’re in the business of selling yourself first. The truth is most people buy into you, before they ever buy into your product or service. So sell your ideas first. If you sell the why -what you believe in, you are on the right track.

For more inspiring posts visit the WizOf.Biz blog or connect with us on Twitter @wizof_biz. We are here to help.

