12 Days of Business: Business Advice via Paul Tobey

AMB-354 Christmas numbers 8Did you miss out on some of our best business posts in 2013? Don’t fret; In the holiday spirit, we’ve decided  to share with you, the top twelve posts that we feel will help you achieve optimal entrepreneurial success in the coming year!

Wishing you a joyous holiday season and a happy and prosperous New Year!

The WizOf.Biz team. 

Business Advice via Paul Tobey

Paul-TobeyPaul Toby is an internationally known expert in online marketing and helps thousands of people every year build success for their businesses.  He provides business advice through his seminars, books, videos and websites.  I was lucky enough to attend one of his seminars here in Toronto.   Some of the best business advice he gave was:

Never Take Advice from People in the Same Category: Don’t take business advice from people who claim to know what you need but may not have the level of experience you’re looking for. They may have good intentions but offer no practical solution. Connect to people who have a proven track record of success.

Using Keywords: Focus on keywords for your site which have a lot of searches and low competition. Google provides online tools to help you discover the best keywords.  Then use these keywords in your sites title, on its content pages and in its headlines.  Work to get the links going to your site to related to these keywords.

The Money’s in the List: Create email lists that offers potential clients something of value. Provide free content that they can use to help them in their business. This will establish trust and credibility as well as give you contact information you can use to offer new products and services. One useful tool, InFusionSoft, is a great autoresponder system that will tell you your client conversion rate and collect other helpful data.

Become a Great Leader: Leadership skills are important when it comes to business. Great leaders are also effective speakers. Don’t bombard your audience with too much information, instead give them context. Your focus should be your knowledge, experience and expertise. Constantly think of ways to inspire, engage and motivate your audience.

Engage with People: Don’t sell. Most of us don’t like being sold to. Instead focus on value added. Your job is to make people feel something. People shop based on emotion because it makes them feel something or due to the fear of missing out. So engage in conversation, make connections and the money will follow.

Hypnotic Copywriting: This type of writing is about hooking peoples attention. Your writing needs to draw them in quickly. Your headlines need to be prominent on your page and evoke curiosity. People are visual creatures, so paint a picture using metaphor; use something that is familiar to people to describe something that is not.

Let People Know They Have a Problem: Create a need by making people think they have a problem. If they don’t believe that your product or service will offer a solution they will not buy. They need to feel like what you’re offering is the ultimate path to happiness. If you offer a solution repeatedly they will talk about your product or service.

3 Reasons Why: Offer people three reasons why you are the one they should buy from. Tell them exactly what it is that makes you stand out from the competition. Highlight your experience and knowledge. Explain why you’re the best at what you do including your lifestyle, belief system and people in your circle of influence.

Help Others Help Yourself: Quite simply, helping yourself is about helping others first. Think of others who want what you want and help them get ahead. This will help you generate positive results and built trust.

Paul Tobey is not only an engaging speaker he is also an insightful business strategist who can help you increase your potential and establish a deeper commitment to business success. I encourage you to visit his website: trainingbusinesspros.com for more information on seminars and courses you can take to help you reach your business goals. For more business advice, and personalized services, visit Wizof.Biz.
