Callan Rush: The Three M’s Business Formula You Should Know


Whether you’ve been running your own business or speaking event for some time, or are just starting out, you will quickly come to realize it’s not as easy as it sounds. That is because simply having a great idea is not enough; you need a plan. The question then becomes, how do you deliver your message in a way that encourages people not only to attend your seminars and buy into your product or service but also bring in that cash flow that you so desperately want?  

Callan Rush, is the CEO and Founder of Leader to Luminary Training Inc. She is a Vancouver based professional speaker, trainer and educator in the seminar industry. I recently attended her workshop called Magnetize Your Audience – How to Fill Your Workshops With Ease. One of the things that impressed me while I listened to her presentation, was her charismatic personality and the genuine desire to share her story. Within the course of a few hours she was able to provide attendees with some compelling insights and practical advice on what it takes to magnetize your business audience and generate results.

In today’s post I’d like to share with you Callan’s three Ms income generating strategy that will get you on your way to business success. They are:

1) Magnetize: Callan says first thing’s first “figure out how to attract ideal potential client to your business or presentation.” These should be people who are not only willing to come to your events but ones who would be willing to pay you for whatever you’re selling, be it a product or service.This is about building lasting relationships with clients, ones that are based on trust, open dialogue and communication. Once that sense of trust is established you will have increased opportunity to leverage these connection and create opportunities for networking.

2) Mesmerize: is using the type of writing and email headlines or presentations that compel your audience to continue to stay engaged. All written or oral information you present should be put forth in a compelling, persuasive and engaging manner.Your content must evoke a sense of curiosity. Don’t forget to leave some room in the presentation for people to bond and learn a bit about each other. This exercise will  make them feel at ease and much more likely to buy into your offer as long as you give them value and incentive.

3) Monetize: Let’s face it, we all need cash. It is silly to suggest says Rush, that “you are not in it for the money” because that is simply not true. If you are unable to monetize your business than what is the point. Your end result is always sales. Most people are not unwilling to buy what you’re selling, they simply need to be wooed and persuaded to do so. That is why the first two Ms mentioned in this formula are crucial to your success. Monetizing should never come ahead of cultivating trustworthy, professional connections in which no client can refuse you.

I was truly inspired by Callan’s presentation and would recommend her seminars to people seeking to gain valuable insight for their business.  

Learn more about how to magnetize, mesmerize and monetize your clients through enjoyable headlines, CIS client retention model and Education Based Marketing all of which will help you garner optimal results for your business. You can do so by visiting Callan’s page for seminar dates in your city. You can also contact WizOf.Biz site for furhter feedback and business advice from our online Mentor Engine(TM).

