Ways to Success

To succeed… you need to find something to hold on to, something to motivate you, something to inspire you. — Tony Dorsett

Often, I find myself staring at a blank page on my computer screen. I know exactly what I want to say, but no idea how to. After struggling to squeeze out the right words, I start feeling restless; as if my own intuition is failing me. At which point I catch myself wishing that there was something or someone to help motivate and inspire me. I want to be pointed in the right direction; to be told exactly where I’m headed. Does this sound familiar to you? If you’ve answered “yes”, then I’d like to welcome you to the WizOf.Biz blog.

Whether you’re running a successful business, are eager to share your ground-breaking entrepreneurial ideas or simply need advice on how to succeed in business, I’ll be here to motivate and inspire you along the way.

The purpose of this blog is to offer you unique industry insight, connect you with other professionals in your field, and look at new ways of doing business. I’ll be exploring current business trends, bringing you interesting marketing and communication tit-bits, profiling local innovators and entrepreneurs and much more!

I promise to work hard at giving you practical and engaging feedback and advice on all aspects of managing a successful business. Throughout our journey together, we’ll have fun examining creativity and entrepreneurship from a variety of surprising angles. The idea is to challenge your point of view, lead you to new discoveries and make you think more critically about what you do.

I will leave you with one of my favorite quotes:

“A business has to be involving, it has to be fun, and it has to exercise your creative instincts. — Richard Branson”

Remember I’m always eager to know about you so don’t be afraid to say hi.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Irena Kagansky, WizOf.Biz advisor

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