Ruby Sohi: What Event Flyers & Websites Should Include – 12 tips

events-calendarOrganizing an event or corporate function can be a drag. Particularly when you’ve put so much energy into ensuring that everything goes without a hitch. Of course you want your invitees to have a fantastic experience that is why proper planning and promotion are crucial when it comes to guaranteeing the perfect event.

It goes without saying that stunning advertising materials along with a strong web presence will go a long way when it comes to attracting the right audience. The question you should now ask yourself is: what information should my website and marketing materials  include? Follow this list of criteria for your event and you should be just fine:

1) Use A Personalized Marketing Strategy: Make sure that all of your communication materials including layout, language and design are tailored to the overall purpose of the event and that it’s fitting with your guests style. Your objective is to meet or even exceed expectations when it comes to organization, professionalism and pizzazz!

2) Have A Call To Action: Neglecting to include a call to action is fatal when it comes to events. Create a sense of urgency and excitement about what you have to offer people once they are there or give a few convincing reasons why they should register for your event right now. Your call to action should make folks feel like they simply cannot afford to miss out on the amazing speakers, suprises food and wine Let them know exactly what they’ve got to lose by not showing up.

3) Name It Like A Pro: Think about what you want to achieve through your event. Is it a Casual Fridays co-worker hangout, a professional networking mingler or a sophisticated cocktail party for business clients. Either way, keep the name of your event short, intiguing and sweet.

4) Set A Date: Don’t obstruct the date of the event by using unreadable fonts. The date and time should be strategically positioned and be clearly visible. It’s also a good idea to let people know what to expect when they arrive as well as well as any amount of participation that may be expected of them as attendees.

5) Location, Location, Location: Include a complete address with postal code, instruction map and parking info. Most of us enjoy being take care of and even the simplest details can make a world of difference.

6) Welcome To The Price Is Right: Include the price of the event and any hidden fees. No one likes being shocked by extra costs they did not anticipate.

7) Licence & Registration: Provide a hassle free way for people to register for the event. One of my personal favorites and one I use quite a lot is EventBrite; quick and painless. Indicate a contact name of someone who can answer any additional question or concerns. You might also use Survey Monkey to get additional feedback on your event.

8) Wining & Dining: Food is one of the main attractions of any event. Whether it’s classic well presented h’orderves, a glass of wine or an elegant dinner plate, you can’t go wrong with great food.  

9) Social Media Is In: Social media the crap out of it! #Hashtags, Facebook gives attendees to connect online, pose more questions, have a discussion and keep abreast about future events. It’s also a fantastic way to get people talking well before the event before the event has even started.

10) Testimonials Please:  Any testimonials from previous event attendees gives you an edge and boosts credibility.

11) Sponsors: Your sponsors deserve a proper introduction. Display their logos and business info whenever possible.

12) It’s A No Go: Always give details about cancellation policy or fee.

There you have it! Hope this will help you put together a great event. In the meantime, here’s a tip: Ruby Sohi is a professional event planner who will help make your event memorable. Also, check out our blog for exciting business news and updates. Our Twitter feed is @wizof_biz

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The WizOf.Biz Team.
