Top 10 Life Strategies That Can Lead You to Business Success


What exactly does it take to get ahead? Why is it that for many of us success is harder to come by? Quite simply it's because we are unwilling to open up to possibilities, listen to what people are saying and explore our own entrepreneurial potential. More often than not, we assume that our way is the best when it comes to doing business. I'm here to tell you, that that is far from the truth. Without a little sense of humor and a willingness to embrace the unexpected your business is likely to fail and here is why.

Before I started my own business, got clients and begun blogging for WizOf.Biz I too, was trying hard to fit in. However over time I came to realize that running a great business is about anything but fitting in. It's about leading your life, and your business according to your own inner compass, your values and ideas. The only way to be successful in whatever you set out to do, is to stand out and be noticed.

I don't claim to know it all. In fact even to assume I do, would be setting myself up for failure. The truth is that most businesses thrive because they are aware that their concept is an ever evolving one that will continue to tap into creativity, innovation and insight. That means relying heavily on your gut (which can never be taken for granted) and your own ability to reinvent yourself as an enterpreneur. There is no doubt that being an independent business owner has given me an edge when it comes to working with others. I have to know and ancicipate how my clients think, what drives them forward and how I can help them succeed.

Today, I would like to share with you a few of my personal tips on business success:

1) Always follow your inner voice. Intuition is both a personal and professional mechanism that we rarely listen to but it's important to recognize that most exceptional ideas are inherently intuitive. They are a type of instant and often subcontious response to something that we identify with or believe to be a solution to a problem. This intuitive impulse principle can, and should be applied to all aspects of our lives including business. Intuition can also lead to unexpected breakthroughs and discoveries which are crucial to business development. Intuition as I see it, is driven by our experiences and the desire to continue learning from others. People, particularly when it comes to business, are the inspiration you'll need to sustain and cultivate your ideas. That is why making sure you know all there is to know about what makes people chose you as a brand over the competition. Let me call this skill social intuition. Being aware of intuitive thought as your tool for success will help you steer clear of unecessary business blunders.

2) Make time to check in with yourself. While this is your journey, I strongly suggest that you keep track of where you've been and where you're headed. Conduct a professional inventory of the things you've been able to accomplish and those that you're working towards. Take note of the ever evolving business trends, viewpoints and popular beliefs. Most importantly keep reinventing yourself so that you can remain in sinc with emerging business realities. Things are constantly changing along with people's attitudes, wants and needs. Failing to stay abreast on these shifts can mean trailing behind. Building connections with people is what will propel you ahead.

3) Be willing to consider the input and opinions of others. Stubbornness will only take you so far in business. Open your eyes and ears so that you can see and hear firsthand what your clients are saying about you. Stay personable and plugged in to the suggestions of those around you. This is not to say that your own ideas don't count however it's important for clients to feel appreciated and responded to in a positive way.

4) These days it's difficult to escape advancements in technology. It is your job to learn all you can about new and emerging technologies that facilitate business development and growth. Technology is one of the biggest resources available to you as an entrepreneur; be it social media, money management or otherwise so don't lose it, use it.

5) Running a successful business is about using your education, your background and your everyday experiences as an integral tool for moving forward. Don't forget to be yourself and show people both your strengths and yes, even your weaknesses. Authenticity and generosity will never go unnoticed. Give what you know and the rest will follow.

6) Teach others about ways to improve on what they know. Become their vehicle for inspiration; there is hardly anything more valuable than working collaboratively towards an end result. Your reward is in making clients see that your thoughts and ideas are what is helping them do better. They will thank you for taking the time to work on what matters to them.

7) When ready, remember to share in your wealth. By that I mean offer free incentives. Give money to worthwhile ventures and provide expertise to those who need it. Having a human side to any business let's people know that your brand at its core, is thoughtful, generous and empathetic which is appealing to say the least.

8) Treat people the way you'd like to be treated. When it comes to business dealings, there is never a place for pre-judgements, unecessary claims or value statements so think before you act. You can't expect to be treated with dignity when your own idea of respect is questionable. Learn to accept criticism, re-evaluate your priorities and make the tough decisions.

9) Confidence and perseverance go a long way in business. So put your best foot forward and keep looking ahead. When you approach your challenges with confidence people will know. Anything is possible when you believe.

10) I am convinced that at the heart of any business venture is a desire to make an impact. So let that be the motivation for your work.

There you have it; my ten intuitive life tools to follow when forging your way to business success.

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